Ready Business

Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it NOW. — Alan Lakein
Businesses and business owners can do much to prepare for the impact of the many hazards they face in today’s world, including natural hazards like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and widespread serious illness such as the H1N1 flu virus pandemic. Human-caused hazards include accidents, acts of violence by people, and acts of terrorism. Examples of technology-related hazards are the failure or malfunction of systems, equipment, or software.

The planning process should take an “all hazards” approach. There are many different threats or hazards. The probability that a specific hazard will impact your business is hard to determine. That’s why it’s important to consider many different threats and hazards and the likelihood they will occur.

Every year emergencies take their toll on business and industry — in lives and dollars. Businesses can mitigate against emergencies and disasters. Business and industry can limit injuries and damages and return more quickly to normal operations, if they plan ahead. This information is useful in making informed decisions regarding investments to offset risks and avoid business disruptions.
Your ability to respond quickly to any type of business disruption could make the difference between survival and closure. Starting sooner, rather than later, will get your business on the path to recovery before any disruption happens.

Other Business Preparedness Help Links:

Ready Rating is a program that helps businesses, schools and organizations become prepared for disasters and other emergencies. All in one place, Ready Rating members have access to one-of-a-kind tools, resources and information for evaluating and improving their ability to withstand disaster, maintain operations, and protect lives and property. Whether you are taking your first steps or have a fully-functioning emergency management program, the Ready Rating program can help you achieve a higher level of preparedness.

DHS library for businesses

Prepare for emergencies

Commuter Emergency Plan

Be Ready Business